Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Footloose (2011) A Review (with Gratuitous Memes)

Caution, this review contains spoilers. It's god damn Footloose, if you don't know what it's about by now then you were probably never going to find out.

Cheap movie Tuesday this week saw me spontaneously leaving Wendy's en lieu for the Regent Mall empire theaters - with el girlfriendo by my side. I rarely go see movies on a whim, and by rarely I mean this was the first time I have ever even considered it.
Once at the mall I didn't even get the chance to see what was playing: Laura noticed that a new version of footloose was released and there was no turning back.
Much to my immense surprise, the theater was just about completely full. For the first time since Jurassic park 1, I was sitting in the front row.
Anyway, last thing before starting this review, I must point out that I have never seen Footloose. Any version, ever. 

So, the movie begins with a close up over everybody's feet as they dance to - you guessed it - Footloose! It's a super awesome amazing time and then five of them die.

The reverend, whose son died in the accident, decided to lobby to city council in favor of a dozen or so new laws including a curfew, ban on drinking and drugs for minors (wait ... that seems like it already existed), and a ban on dancing.

Flash forward 3 years when Ren (We'll call him Ryan because several times in the movie they say his name and it definitely sounds like Ryan. Also Ryan is normaler) shows up to Beaumont Georgia to live with his Uncle because his mother passed away. They make the whole death thing more dramatic in the movie but whatever.

Anyway, this is like the first 10 minutes of the movie. Now things get real. Ryan fixes up his uncles Punch Buggy yellow no punch back and starts driving that around.

He then goes to school on the first day wearing a tie. This is my first issue with the movie. No one could ever, ever, go to a new school on the first day and pull off wearing a tie.

That doesn't make sense. Oh also Ryan is from Boston. So ya he meets this guy, insults his clothes and then they become best friends. He also tries out for the football team where he doesn't get hazed or anything. This is bullshit. This doesn't happen and anyone who has ever changed schools or been to one can testify to it. Ryan just fits in so perfectly even though he's from Boston and living in small town Idaho.

Anyway, he has eyes for this girl, the reverends daughter, sister of the deceased guy in the car accident. But she is into this total badass racecar driver. There is a hangout in town that breaks the law by playing music some nights and letting kids dance once the cops leave so the racecar driver notices the flare between Ryan and this girl at one of those dances. So, naturally, he challenges him to a school bus race. Obv. 
Ryan wins the race and sets two busses on fire.

Okay I feel like I need to shorten this up. They go to this Dance bar two hours away and it's line dancing, which is nice. Nice to see dancing without fist pumping these days. Everyone loves it. Then they come back and Ryan decides that he is going to start a petition to get the laws about dancing abolished. 

His Aunt asks him why he is doing this and he says because his mother would have liked it if he accomplished something. I'm not a huge fan at all of this reasoning. It's kind of touching, but I mean ... it seems quite ...a stretch I guess. But whatever, just for me, signing a dance petition doesn't have a lot to do with changing the world or leukemia, which seems to be the reasons he gives.

So the petition gets signed and he brings it in front of the council, who all hate him at this point for various reasons, and he gives his long speech and then they vote no. But no worries, because some guy has now decided that he owns a place just outside city limits where dancing isn't illegal.
This upsets me. One, why haven't all these kids been dancing just outside city limits since forever and two surely someone would have capitalized on this. Build a dance bar just outside Beaumount. I mean the demand is there. It would be a thriving industry and in this recession (which is brought up a few times during the movie) there is really no reason not to.

 So yeah. They take this building and go have their prom there. And Ryan and that girl hook up. Do the laws get abolished? Maybe, not sure. It just ends with a big old dance.

Pros: Good acting. Quite Funny. Not comparable to Jersey shore. Pretty good soundtrack.
Cons: Far too many times where the camera just focuses on the feet. That girls dress in the last scene is awful. This one time the guy is really upset and does a solo "venting alone" dance scene and it's laughable.

Score: 15 Apples out of 17. Great date movie. Great girls night out movie. And if you're comfortable with your sexuality, a not bad guys movie too. Kind of. 

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